Sunday, April 16, 2006

Dead Is Dead

Is there anything more final than death?
When you are dead, you are dead.
There is not one word after your final breath.
When you are dead, you are dead.

Death is eternal, an endless sleep.
When you are dead, you are done.
You are embalmed and buried six feet deep.
When you are dead you are done.

The grave’s grip will not grow tired.
When you are dead, you are dead.
There’s no rebirth of a life expired.
When you are dead you are dead.

For ages past this point was true;
‘When you are dead, you are done.’
Then Christ came and did something new.
Oh, He was dead, but he was not done.

Mary went to embalm him, because
When you are dead, you are dead.
But two angels there did give her pause:
‘Why look for the living among the dead?’

Through His death He conquered sin.
But though He was dead, He was not done
He conquered Death, He’s Alive Again!
He was dead, but He is the Living One.

So Death no longer holds the final say.
When you’re dead there is yet another song.
You will live again with Him someday.
Because, now, when you’re dead it’s not for long.

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