Thursday, March 08, 2007


Recently, I invited the church to submit questions about the faith. I am looking primarily to address doubts that people struggle I will address as many questions as I can the Sunday after Easter (April 15th).

I invite anyone who might read this to also submit questions. I cannot promise that I am always right, but I will address every question I get. I will study, and I will be honest.

Beleow is a question that has already been submitted. I am not yet ready to answer it, but here it is anhow:

When you pass away and your soul leaves your body- do you go to heaven right then? And how will I know my family?


ejs said...

"I will address as many questions as I can the Sunday after Easter (April 15th)"

So, just to clarify, you are taking one Sunday as a sort of answer time, dealing with as many different questions as you can on that particular Sunday?

Are you also inviting anyone who might read this to visit EL on April 15th to the answers?

shannoncaroland said...

Yes, that is what I am doing. And, yes, we'd love to have you visit.

Sam said...

As I see it, based especially on Corinthians and Thessalonians, the soul seems to reside somewhere until the second coming of CHrist, at which point the "firstfruits" (those who have died) will be resurrected first, and then those who are living.
Thus, though comforting to tell people that their deceased loved ones are with Jesus in heaven, biblically speaking it seems they are not.
At the same time, I don't think the deceased soul realizes the time lapse between their death and resurrection. I.E. - upon death the next thing that happens is rsurrection with seemingly no time period transpiring.