Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Show the blind man

In Acts 9, Saul sees the light... and then he sees nothing for days. His head must have been spinning. He thought he was defending the true faith, now he finds out he had actually been persecuting it. What irony, a blinding vision allowed him to see. And the man most hellbent on stopping the church becomes the one man (other than Jesus) most responsible for its worldwide success.

Males me wonder if there could be a modern-day equivalent out there. Think of the person most hellbent to stop the church in our day... The president of the ACLU? Marilyn Manson? Osama Bin Laden? Think of the impact such a person could have if Jesus met them and turned their life around!

My favorite part of this section though, is the Lord's message to Ananias: "I will show him how much he must suffer for my name." I will show the blind man what life with me will be like. Yet, instead of complaining of the new assignment of suffering, he would often boast about it. (Phil 3:7-14) Man, I long to see some Big-Time repentance like that in my day!

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