Thursday, November 30, 2006


I wrote this one night after listening to Bob Dylan's "Rolling Stone".

How can I bring you home
When you're all alone?

Out sleeping with no bed,
No place to lay your head.

How can I bring you home
When you're all alone?

Eyes blurred from tears
Fixed on your greatest fears.

How can I bring you home
When you're all alone?

Hurts to imagine how you feel,
Eating just what you steal.

How can I bring you home
When you're all alone?

To make it right
We're gonna need His Light

How can I bring you home
When you're all alone?

Need his arms to hold us tight,
Bring us through the night.

He will bring you home.
We are not alone.

It was kind of free association. I did not know where it was going. I started off thinking of the plight of our nation's homeless. But by the end, it became clear to me that God was speaking to me through my writing about my daughter. It's a poem about adoption.

Before that, Cindie and I, had been talking about adoption. But I was hesitant; paralyzed by selfishness and faithless fear disguised as concern and rationalization. But it was after this experience that I realized this is exactly the sort of thing he would ask me to do. From that moment on, I was sold.

We are now fairly deep into the process. I intend to use this space to talk about it and give updates. I will also give facts about adoption now and again.

Oh, her name will be Ramiah (Yahweh has lifted up...)


Jamie said...

Very cool...I look forward to hearing the updates!

Regan Clem said...

Touching poem.

Our prayers are with you in the adoption process.