Saturday, April 07, 2007

Good Friday Funeral

I wrote the following play for our Good Friday service (except for Mary's eulogy which was written by Cindie's sister). Please, feel free to steal, change, critique it in any way you like.

Song: Sweet Hour of Prayer

Officiate: It is good that you are here. The mother and brothers of Jesus son of Joseph are bereft with grief. Your presence is a comfort of great value to them in this time.

Let me introduce myself. I am Zachary, Priest of the tribe of Levi. I have been sent by Caiaphas, the High Priest to officiate this funeral service for Jesus of Nazareth.

Let me begin by reading from the Psalmist: 39:4-5 "Show me, O LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath.”

And Psalm 23 “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Though, I myself am not among those who would have counted himself a disciple of this man, I know that there was some goodness that followed him. And instead of going on and on about what was wrong with him, I thought it would be some comfort to his friends and family if some of you would like to share the good things this man did, what a good man he was Anyone?

Woman At The Well: I know that it is not conventional for a woman, much less a Samaritan to be amongst or speak to you. But I had to be here to tell you what Jesus did for me, [turning to the Priest] what a good man he was.

He saw me and recognized me for what I am. He saw that I was a woman, a Samaritan woman, yes, but he saw more than that.

He was able to see what a wreck I was. He knew what I a wreck I had been. He knew of all my failed marriages. He knew about the guy I was with at the time. He knew everything about me.

And there by that well, he saw me, he knew and he offered his love to me, his “living water” he called it.

If I knew who he was, he said, I'd be asking him for living water. (Again looking to the Priest) A good man… yeah.

So, not only is he a man who would willingly speak to a woman in public, not only is he a Jew who is willing to speak to a Samaritan, but he is some kind of prophet of God who could peer into my heart, who was willing to knowingly associate with someone who had so thoroughly soiled her life. Someone like me.

He had me freaked out, to tell you the truth. My mind was spinning. This is one different kind of guy. I started asking him theological questions just to change the subject.

I had asked him something about the coming Messiah, the one promised to make all things new, when he drops this on me. “I am the Messiah.” And you know what's even crazier, I believed him. I believed that the Messiah of the Lord wanted me to draw him water. I believed that the Promised One had offered me Living Water that would cause me to never thirst again, that he saw me for all that I was and still left the invitation open. I believed that...

And you know what? I still believe it.

Officiate: Look, he was a nice man. A kind man. I appreciate that. But how could the Promised One of God be hung on a tree, a curse, a sign of powerlessness. You all saw it. Anyone else want to give it a shot?

Legion: Hello. I too am a foreigner. I am a Gerasene, from across the sea of Galilee. And I'll never forget my encounter with Jesus. No one from my village will. [A little bit of nervous laughter]

Jesus once said that if any of us were going to follow him, that they have to take up a cross. I would have happily done so, just to be with him. When he stepped into my life, everything changed. I mean, everything.

I was not always the composed gentlemen you see before you today. I was... possessed by a demon. Well, actually not just one demon. By many demons. By a “Pack of a Thousand Demons”.

When Jesus found me, I was living in tombs. I had enough strength to snap chains and irons like tissue paper, but not enough sense to where clothes. I had for a long time been naked and cutting myself with stones.

And with a word, Jesus freed me. He freed me from a thousand demons. I could have snapped any chain a person threw on me, but only Jesus could free me from what really held me. Jesus changed everything for me. Jesus clothed me, and sat with me. We talked.

Oh, how I wanted to go with him. I begged him to let me come. He told me to stay, to remind everyone about the new life he gave me. So here I am. Thank you Jesus.

Mary: Hello, I'm Jesus' mother. Today I feel anguish so deep within me, my very soul is aching. This pain I cannot put into words. Today I lost my son. The baby who I carried for nine months. Our miracle.

When I first saw his tiny hands I knew they would serve and touch people in the most gentle of ways. I knew they would heal, but I could never imagine them being pierced with nails.

His tiny head, his precious face that shown a light of hope and gave strength to the weary, today bled with piercing thorns.

His feet that I touched to my face and softly kissed for I knew how many miles he would travel to do His Fathers will, to save His people… Oh the pain He must have felt... (As Mary becomes emotional, John comes up to console and support)

His first cry was so precious when he was born; it was the sweetest sound giving such promise. It was the same voice today that cried out “Forgive them for they know not what they do”.

Today I lost my son, my toddler who would stretch out his arms not to be hung on the cross, but to hug me. He would hold my finger in his small palm as we would walk.

My young boy who was so good and so wise beyond His years.

My teenager who hungered to learn- to teach.

My young man who loved with the deepest of love, who cared so for the poor, the sick, and the dying. Who fed the hungry and had grace on those who mocked Him.

This same man with a heart as pure as the day he was born, with a smile that would warm my heart from my worry and fear was crucified before my eyes! Why?! Because of YOU..and because of me. The most pain that He felt today was the weight of our sin upon his shoulders.

Never forget this day! Don’t let it become a distant memory, or merely a story you once heard.

God’s own son died for you, so that you may live. Jesus, precious Jesus. He is not only a son He is my Savior, our Savior.

John: [whispers to Mary, making sure she is okay, and then ushers her off before he starts singing]

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot,
Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Refrain:It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

I'm John. I am one of his disciples. He was my closest friend. You might even say that we were brothers. While Jesus was on the cross... [the thought of it causes him to pause and regain his composure] he asked me to take care of his mother. So, I guess that makes us brothers.

That's classic Jesus. Bleeding, broken, barely able to breathe, he makes sure that someone else will be cared for.

He used to say that he came to serve, and for him, those were not just words. I remember him giving up some much needed sleep because we were afraid, or struggling, or because some sick person wanted to be healed. Just last night he was washing my feet.

I've never known anyone like him. One moment calming storms with a word, the next moment taking a little child on his lap. One moment standing on water, the next standing with prostitutes and tax collectors. That’s Jesus. While he's hanging on a cross, he's taking care of his mom, he's blessing a the criminal hung next to him, and he's asking God to forgive those who hung him and yelled curses.

Slurs and curses. Fists and mockery. Torture and death. Why would he so willingly go through that? Hung naked on a tree. Beaten, spat upon, mocked… Why did he do it?

Don’t tell me that this was done to him. I know him too well to believe that. I’ve seen demons flee at his command. I’ve seen him easily waltz through angry mobs. I saw the arresting guards collapse to the ground in fear at the sound of his voice. I’ve heard the voice of God speak on his behalf. “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” God said.

So, don’t tell me that this was done to him. I was there when he was arrested. He refused to fight. He actually healed one of his arrestors. Don’t tell me he could not have done them harm.

But why didn’t he? Why did he walk right into Jerusalem? Why did he hand himself over to that traitor? Why did offer no defense for himself? Why did he pray for our forgiveness, and then just give up his Spirit like that? Why? Why did he have to die?

I know his answer. Thursday night we celebrated Passover Seder together. When he broke the flatbread, he said that it was his body, that it was broken for us. When he took the cup of wine, he said it was his blood which was being poured out for the forgiveness of our sins.

He was pierced for our transgressions. His death means our forgiveness. This why it is well with my soul.

It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet,
Though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

Officiate: Well, I really did not want to speak this way at his funeral. I did not want to have to be derogatory in front of a grieving mother, but you all have left little choice.

I thought we could celebrate the good things he did without all this talk about him being some kind of prophet or Messiah. I thought that after having watched him die, after laying his corpse in a tomb, you all would come to your senses.

He’s dead. And so is his revolution, or will you follow a dead man to the same pitiful end? What good is a dead man to you?

So, he claimed he could forgive sins. He claimed a lot of things, didn't he? He claimed to be the son of God. Yet, he was stripped, beaten, mocked and killed by Gentiles. Are you trying to tell me that the Son of God would allow himself to go through that? Preposterous! Why would he ever do such a thing? [Boos from our actors]

Fine, follow your leader. You know where that path leads. Follow him. He’s no good to you dead. There is nothing in that tomb, but a body that is ceremonially unclean. But praise your lifeless Messiah. Worship your god in a tomb!

Play the final song! [He leaves in a huff]

John: We are going to do a prayer vigil in memory of Jesus and what he has done. I invite you to come up, take and candle and light it. Then circle around the sanctuary and we will close with this final song, “Above All”.


[As song nears the end, Lazarus interrupts]

Lazarus: [timidly] Can I say something?

I hadn’t planned to say anything, but I feel like I have to.

Jesus was a friend of mine. Friend? I don’t if that is right word. Is there a stronger word than friend… If it were not for Jesus. I would not be here right now… Well, actually, I would. My tomb is right around the corner over there.

My name is Lazarus. I was dead. I was in the tomb for four days. Dead. But I’m not dead anymore.

He called me from my tomb… and life replaced death. Rotting flesh was rejuvenated. I was brought from death to life. Many of you were there. You are witnesses of this.

And I was thinking, maybe if he could do that for me… you know just maybe…

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