Thursday, February 03, 2005

Needing some Nabas

Acts 4:36-37

36 Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means Son of Encouragement), 37 sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles' feet.
(from New International Version)

Joseph got the nickname Bar (son of) Nabas (encouragment) one could assume, because he was such an encouragement. So, what did he do that was so encouraging? what can we learn about encouraging others from? He becomes a major player in Acts, and almost every time he is mentioned is doing something encouraging. But let us focus on his introduction here.

The term "encouragement" means to instill courage into someone, courage to face the day, stnad up under trials, resist temptation, whatever. The main we try to encourage people is with our words. But that is probably the least effective way.

I presume the reason the Apostles called Joseph "Mr. Encouragement" is that he found a more dynamic and effective way to encourage. He sold himself out to the cause of Christ, the church. by his actions he communicated to the Apostles and everyone else in the church "This thing is real. It is worth sacrificing all we have for. I'm committed in love to everyone here." Actions spoke so much louder than words would have. Such sacrificial actions helped strengthen the church to stand up under the persecution it would soon face.

If you desire to be an encouragement to someone, stnad with them. Show them with your actions that you are dedicated to them. If you want to give your church the courage it needs to face whatever may come, be the first to throw yourself in whole-heartedly. Set a precident of sacrifice.

With all that we are up against, encouragement needs more than one son.

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