Thursday, September 22, 2005


Acts 12:24 But the word of God continued to increase and spread.

Despite the persecution that drove every Christian except for the Apostles from Jerusalem, despite the arrest and execution of James so of Zebedee, despite Simon Peter's imprisonment, despite the need to go underground, the word of God continued to increase and spread.

We have a heritage and a history of being unstoppable, unflappable, insuppressible, and unrelenting.

Erwin McManus has commented that people ask him, "What is it today that keeps the church from realizing her full potential?"

His response: "Nothing!" Jesus has said that not even the Gates of Hell will be able to overcome it. (Matthew 16:18)

Sure there are trials and tests. But the same things which can serve as friction to slow us down can serve as traction to speed us up.

So, what will slow us? Budget? The lack of resources can make us more dependent on God... Definitely a good thing.

A corrupt culture? It just gives the lost more that they desire freedom from.

independent isolationistic culture? Just makes people hungrier for community.

Only internal things like fear, doubt and apathy can keep us from seeing our full potential, No external circumstances can stop the body of Christ.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Great thoughts!